
unofficial/unsupported/experimental git export of https://sshnet.codeplex.com/

Primary LanguageC#


Build Status

git export of https://sshnet.codeplex.com/

initial checkout

$ cat authors.txt
SND\drieseng_cp = drieseng <drieseng@codeplex.com>
SND\olegkap_cp = olegkap <olegkap@codeplex.com>
SND\Kenneth_aa_cp = Kenneth_aa <Kenneth_aa@codeplex.com>
SND\GiantJunkBox_cp = GiantJunkBox <GiantJunkBox@codeplex.com>
vstfs:///Framework/IdentityDomain/91bfc952-fec6-4be4-b192-9eb3b8389945\Project Collection Service Accounts = Project Collection Service Accounts <blabla@codeplex.com>
SND\diehardvn_cp = diehardvn <diehardvn@codeplex.com>
$ git svn clone --no-metadata https://sshnet.svn.codeplex.com/svn/ ssh.net --revision 9489:HEAD --authors-file=authors.txt

We need to skip some commits from the early days else the export would fail.

After cloning

Add the svn remote and authorsfile to your .git/config

[svn-remote "svn"]
        noMetadata = 1
        url = https://sshnet.svn.codeplex.com/svn
        fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn
        authorsfile = authors.txt


$ git svn fetch --revision 9489:HEAD
$ git rebase origin/master git-svn
$ git checkout -b update
$ git rebase update master
$ git checkout master
$ git branch -D update
$ git push