Create a CRD endpoint using Nitro

Using Nitro (alongside one of its Cloudflare presets) create a CRD (CRUD without the Update) endpoint that uses a Cloudflare KV to create, read and delete values.

GET requests to /kv/<KEY> should return a result such as:

    success: boolean,
    value: string,

where success indicate the success of the retrieval and value is the value of the entry (associated to the KEY key).

Note: a value for the CFLARE key is already present in the local KV store

PUT requests (with a text/plain content-type header) to /kv/<KEY> should return a result such as:

    success: boolean,

and DELETE requests should do the same.


To validate your progress you can start the nitro dev server in a terminal and in a separate terminal run npm run test

You can use cURL to manually test the endpoint

To get a value for a key (note: a value for the CFLARE key is already present in the local KV) run:

curl localhost:3000/kv/<KEY>

to put a value for a key run:

curl -X PUT localhost:3000/kv/<KEY> -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data 'test'

and to delete the value of a key:

curl -X DELETE localhost:3000/kv/<KEY>