Vite Environment 6.0.0 experimentations

Experimentations based on the experimental Vite Environment API being worked on for vite@6.0.0-alpha.x


Simply run:

$ pnpm i

to install all the dependencies and build all the packages in this repository, there you can cd in any of the examples and run their development scripts.

Monorepo Structure

  • packages

    Basically contains plugins that using the Vite Environment API allow to run code in Alternative JS Runtimes

  • examples

    Contains examples of usages of the above mentioned runtime packages


All the packages and examples have their own README files explaining the package/example


The most important example currently here is remix-app-workerd which uses packages/vite-environment-provider-workerd to server side render a Remix application in the workerd environment.

Extra info

  • the vite dependency is slightly outdated and set to vite@6.0.0-alpha.11

  • we patch the vite dependency (see: patches/vite@6.0.0-alpha.11.patch) because the Vite implementation lacks customization options in their resolver, this should hopefully get fixed soon: vitejs/vite#16471 (comment)

Credits & References