Algorithm challenge // String Changes

1. Getting started

Fork this repo and then git clone your forked repo to your computer. Once happy with your solution, git push and submit a pull request at or send an email to

2. Challenge

Have the function StringChanges(str) take the str parameter being passed, which will be a string containing letters from the alphabet, and return a new string based on the following rules.

Whenever a capital M is encountered, duplicate the previous character (then remove the M), and whenever a capital N is encountered remove the next character from the string (then remove the N).

All other characters in the string will be lowercase letters. The final string will never be empty.

2.1. Examples





2.2. Testing your solution

To test your solution, run npm install in the root directory and then run npm test to run the automated tests.

2.3. Submitting your solution

You have 3 options to submit your solution:

  1. If you're working on a forked repo, push your changes to your forked repo and submit a pull request to this repo
  2. Send an email with your solution to
  3. Send the solution on students slack channel.