
Apply GitOps to everything with Flux and Crossplane via Kubernetes resources

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


e2e json validate yaml

Apply GitOps to everything with Flux and Crossplane.

See my blogpost Streamline Kubernetes Management: GitOps with Flux and Kustomize for more details.

Run make help for a list of commands.


The idea is to have a single Kubernetes cluster for everything (e.g. your applications, infrastructure that support them and cloud configuration) but in different environments, so changes can be thoroughly testing locally in a dev environment or in your cloud provider of choice, using a staging environment.

Therefore, the ./clusters folder hold the flux resources with kustomize that will bootstrap each environment cluster. Those resources point to the respective ./apps, ./cloud and ./infrastructure folders respectively:

  graph LR;

Each cluster bootstraps those components in the following order:

  graph LR;

Once the components are bootstrapped, they will reconcile with the folders from the repo they point at, to keep the configuration from git consistent with the state of the cluster, which is the essence of GitOps.

Repository structure

The Git repository contains the following top directories:

  • apps: helm and kustomize releases with a custom configuration and selection per environment. They depend on the addons and configs.
  • cloud: any cloud resource that does not belong to Kubernetes and is managed via Crossplane.
  • clusters: flux configuration per Kubernetes cluster environment that are used for their bootstrapping.
  • infrastructure common Kubernetes-specific infrastructure tools that are likely to be seen in multiple kubernetes clusters (e.g. ingress-nginx or cert-manager), and its configurations.
  • scripts: utilities used by the Makefile and CI.
├── apps
│   ├── base
│   ├── dev
│   ├── prod
│   └── staging
├── cloud
│   ├── providers
│   │   ├── base
│   │   ├── dev
│   │   ├── prod
│   │   └── staging
│   └── resources
│       ├── base
│       ├── dev
│       ├── prod
│       └── staging
├── clusters
│   ├── dev
│   ├── prod
│   └── staging
├── infrastructure
│   ├── configs
│   │   ├── base
│   │   ├── dev
│   │   ├── prod
│   │   └── staging
│   └── controllers
│       ├── base
│       ├── dev
│       ├── prod
│       └── staging
└── scripts


You can see the tooling needed to develop with this repository in the Makefile's init target. Run make init to make sure that all prerequisites are fulfilled, and feel free to remove prerequisites based on your personal needs.

  • age-keygen: to provide an encryption backend to sops for securing secrets in the git repository.
  • flux: the core requirement to enable GitOps in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • kind: to provision a local Kubernetes cluster for testing.
  • kubeconform: to lint Kubernetes manifests.
  • kubectl: to interact with a Kubernetes cluster.
  • prettier: to automatically format YAML and JSON files and ensure their style consistency.
  • sops: to allow Flux the encryption and decryption of secrets.
  • yq: to validate and interact with YAML files via the command line.


Any change to the Kubernetes manifests or to the repository structure should be validated in CI before a pull requests is merged into the main branch and synced on the cluster.

This repository contains the following GitHub CI workflows:

  • the validate workflow validates the Kubernetes manifests and Kustomize overlays with kubeconform
  • the e2e workflow starts a Kubernetes cluster in CI and tests the dev setup (dev) by running Flux in Kubernetes Kind.


Secrets encryption is done with Mozilla SOPS and age as its backend, at client level:

To be able to decrypt secrets, you need to have a private file per cluster. The private file has to be stored in ./cluster/{clusterName}/sops.agekey.

Generate a private key per cluster

Each cluster folder in ./clusters/ should have a git ignored sops.agekey file, whose public key is listed in ./.sops.yaml with a path_regex that involves files that only belong to that cluster.

You can generate a key like this:

# One key per file
age-keygen > clusters/dev/sops.agekey
# You can also append multiple keys to a single file, that also works
age-keygen >> clusters/dev/sops.agekey

You should have a file there with a format like this:

$ cat sops.agekey
# created: 2023-07-17T14:07:50+02:00
# public key: age1v6q8sylunaq9m08rwxq702enmmh9lama7sp47vkcw3z8wm74z39q846s3y

Normally, you would need to put an AGE-SECRET-* value that is shared within your team. The sops.agekey file will never be pushed to the repo as it is git ignored.

The public key of this file should be added to the relevant .sops.yaml entries.

Encrypt Kubernetes secrets

The encrypt command with sops is easy because the .sops.yaml configuration file already points to the age public key based on the path of the target file. As the files to be encrypted are always divided by cluster, sops know which public key to use thanks to that config.

In addition, the sops configuration defines an encrypted_regex so it will only encrypt the data and stringData attributes, that are only found in Kubernetes secrets.

Therefore, to encrypt a secret resource so it can be pushed to the repo:

sops -e secret.yaml > secret.enc.yaml

Always make sure that the secrets you push to the repo are encrypted!

It is safe to run this command because secret-values.yaml are always git ignored.

NOTE: make format has to be run because SOPS create yaml files that do not follow the .editorconfig standard. You can run it manually or the git hook will.

Alternatively, you can achieve the same (encryption + formatting) through the encrypt.sh script:

$ ./scripts/encrypt.sh secret.yaml
secret.enc.yaml 20ms
✅ Encrypted file saved to secret.enc.yaml

Decrypt Kubernetes secrets

With the environment variables loaded (source .envrc), you can decrypt specific attributes from the YAML:

$ sops -d --extract '["data"]' secret.yaml
foo: ValueThatWasEncrypted

Alternatively, you can decrypt and store the decrypted files with this script:

$ ./scripts/decrypt.sh secret.enc.yaml
✅ Decrypted file saved to secret.yaml

Run Kubernetes locally

Kind allows you to create production-like Kubernetes cluster in your own computer.

Creating local Kubernetes clusters

See creating a cluster in Kind's documentation.

For instance, to create two local clusters (production and staging with the kind-prod and kind-staging contexts respectively)

$ kind create cluster --name crossplane --config kind.config.yaml
$ kind create cluster --name production --config kind.config.yaml
$ kind create cluster --name staging --config kind.config.yaml
$ kind get clusters

To switch between clusters:

# kubectl will connect to the crossplane cluster and create its context
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-crossplane
# kubectl will connect to the production cluster and create its context
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-prod
# kubectl will connect to the staging cluster and create its context
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-staging

To view the available contexts:

$ kubectl config get-contexts
*         kind-staging   kind-staging   kind-staging   flux-system

Alternatively, you can use a tool like kubectx to manage contexts (brew install kubectx):

$ kubectx
$ kubectx kind-prod
Switched to context "kind-prod".

Accessing a local cluster

You can access the cluster using kubectl. Make sure you have selected the proper context.

For instance:

kubectx kind-staging
kubectl get namespaces

Using the ingress from a local cluster

Due to current limitations with kind, the local port in which you can access the ingress controller from the cluster might vary, depending on the node in which the ingress-nginx controller ends up.

You can check the forwarded ports in kind.config.yaml.

In addition, to ease the management of virtual hostnames you can run make hosts, which will add entries from the exposed services in the cluster into your /etc/hosts file. Once added, you can browse http://{serviceName}.local:8080 (or port 8081, 8082, depending on the worker node in which the ingress-nginx controller is).

For instance: http://podinfo.local:8080

Deleting a local cluster

To delete a kind cluster:

kind delete cluster --name myname
