
Repository skeleton example for a TypeScript monorepo set up using yarn2

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Repository skeleton example for a TypeScript monorepo set up using yarn2.

The structure of this repository is highly inspired @yarnpkg/berry itself.

Yarn 2

This monorepo takes advantage of the new Yarn 2 features like Plug'n'Play and zero-installs, to prevent traditional problems caused by such setups.


  • Common devDependencies to all packages are defined as dependencies in the root package.json.
  • Common scripts are defined in the root package.json. Other workspaces can inherit from them.
  • Each package has its own specific scripts, dependencies and devDependencies.
  • There is no node_modules, dependencies are commited to the repo via .yarn/cache. This speeds up greatly CI builds when the monorepo starts to grow.
  • Adding new packages is easy with yarn either in root or in each workspace.



To freshly create a yarn2 project:

  1. Install yarn in your computer
  2. Run yarn set version berry && yarn set version from sources in this repository
  3. Run yarn init (this creates the package.json file)
  4. Run yarn install so Plug'n'Play creates the required files
  5. Follow all the instructions defined in Editor Support to guarantee a proper Visual Studio Code integration. Steps to other editors are defined in Editor SDKs

This repository already has commited the files generated by the installation steps.

It is very important to periodically run yarn dlx @yarnpkg/doctor and fix any problems that appear (defined as a script in yarn doctor).

Development tools

  • commitlint: to enforce the conventional commit style
  • husky: commit hooks that run commitlint, yarn and prettier to ensure quality before push
  • eslint: JavaScript and TypeScript linter
  • prettier: code auto formatter
  • shellcheck: lints bash scripts (installable via)

Configuration files

  • .dockerignore: makes easier docker COPY commands
  • .eslintignore: ignores the defined file and folder patterns when running ESLint
  • .eslintrc.js: defines global ESLint configuration
  • .pnp.cjs: automatically generated by yarn2
  • .prettierignore: ignores the defined file and folder patterns when running Prettier
  • .prettierrc: Prettier configuration
  • .yarnrc: automatically generated by yarn2
  • .yarnrc.yaml: yaml2 configuration (important to change packageExtensions, see fix dependencies with package extensions)
  • docker-compose.yaml: defines docker image for local testing
  • jest.config.js: sets global Jest configuration to be inherited by each package
  • tsconfig.json: global TypeScript configuration to be inherited by each package
  • typedoc.js: global TypeDoc configuration to be inherited by each package

Visual Studio Code

This repository already has pushed the .yarn/sdks folder that adapts ESLint, Prettier and TypeScript configurations to be used in your IDE, and using project scoped VSCode settings (defined in .vscode/settings.json). Some manual steps might be needed if you do not see those tools working on your editor:

  • ESLint
    • Command + Shift + P in a TypeScript file
    • Type ESLint: Select Node Path
    • Select Use NODE_PATH value defined via setting .yarn/sdks
  • Typescript
    • Command + Shift + P in a TypeScript file
    • Type TypeScript: Select TypeScript Version
    • Select Use Workspace Version

In addition, it is important to install the VSCode extensions recommended in .vscode/extensions.json.