
Benchmarking of a web server using different programming languages and frameworks.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Benchmarking of a simple web server developed using different programming languages and frameworks.

This project was developed for the project of Wireless Networks at UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Salerno.

In this project I developed two WSs having the same API and, as far as possible, the same structure. I did a simple benchmark on both these WSs in order to retrieve their efficiency on different scenarios.

The purpose of this project was to compare the efficiency between different web servers on small projects (e.g. to be used for microservice development).

Project structure

I implemented the same API both on Python's Flask and in Node.js' Express.

Both the WSs use an SQLite database preloaded with data generated from Generate Data. The db has the following tables:

  • city(id, name, post_code, region): contains 300 cities;
  • person(id, name, surname, city_id): contains 1000 people. city_id is the foreign key for id of the table city.

Both the WSs retrieve data from the external source JSONPlaceholder. The retrieved data have the following schema:

  • post(userId, id, title, body);
  • album(userId, id, title);
  • photo(albumId, id, title, url, thumbnailUrl).

Python Flask

In the folder python-flask there is the WS developed in Python.

The WS has been developed using Python 3.6, Flask 0.12.0 as a webdevelopment framework and SQLAlchemy 1.1.14 as ORM.


In order to install the WS and all its requirements you have to create a virtual environment using venv on Python 3.6. To install virtualenv, run the following:

[sudo] pip3 install virtualenv on Linux/MacOS or pip install virtualenv using prompt as administrator on Windows.

To create a virtual environment, in the main directory of the project run:

virtualenv venv.

To activate the virtual environment in the directory \venv, in the main directory on the project run:

source venv/bin/activate on Linux/MacOS or venv\Scripts\activate on Windows.

You can check if the virtual environmnent is activated, checking if the command prompt has the prefix (venv).

To install all the requirements, run the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This installs, using pip, all the requirements.


After activating virtualenv, just type python3.6 app.py in the root directory.

Node.js Express

In the folder nodejs there is the WS developed in Node.js.

The WS has been developed using Node.js 9.2.0, Express >4.15 as a webdevelopment framework and Sequelize 4.22 as ORM.


You have to install Node.js and npm in order to run the project.

After doing that, just type npm install in the project's directory.


After installing all the requirements, type npm start in the project's directory.


Both the WSs have the following endpoints:

  • /hello_world: a simple HTML page showing greetings;
  • /hello/<user>: an HTML page showing customized greetings for the user;
  • /fib30: an HTML page showing the 30th Fibonacci number;
  • /single_user: an HTML page showing informations about a single user in the database;
  • /all_users: an HTML page showing informations about all the users;
  • /users_with_cities: an HTML page showing informations about all the user with their cities;
  • /api/hello_world: a JSON containing greetings;
  • /api/hello/<user>: a JSON containing customized greetings for the user;
  • /api/fib30: a JSON containing the 30th Fibonacci number;
  • /api/single_user: a JSON containing informations about a single user in the database;
  • /api/all_users: a JSON containing informations about all the users;
  • /api/users_with_cities: a JSON containing informations about all the user with their cities;
  • /external/posts: a JSON containing information about all the posts retrieved from the external source;
  • /external/albums: a JSON containing information about all the albums retrieved from the external source;
  • /external/photos: a JSON containing information about all the photos retrieved from the external source;
  • /external/albums_w_photos: a JSON containing information about all the albums, with the photos it contains, retrieved from the external source;