Official repository containing code and other material from the paper "Efficient Video Super-Resolution through Recurrent Latent Space Propagation" (https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.08080).
- agermanidis@runwayml
- changtailiangBeiJing China
- ChaofWangbaidu
- distinguished-git
- EasoncyxAmazon
- edmontdantsGotham City
- fly51flyPRIS
- FrancescoSaverioZuppichiniroboflow
- ggsonic
- horganizzato
- iansyahrBogor, West Java, Indonesia
- IanYeungPolyU
- JaeDukSeo
- Ken1256
- kosmar2011
- lei-xiong
- LiangbinXieUM & SIAT
- Murplugg
- musicrainie
- nelaturuharshaAmazon Web Services (AWS)
- oguzhanmeteozturkStroma Vision Inc.
- pepinu
- QiangLi1997Shanghai, China
- rafaelperezToronto, Canada
- S-aiueo32Sansan Inc.
- SamuelXJames
- SpadeSe
- splinter21
- styler00dollar
- tangketan
- vandbtSeoul, Korea
- wenchen4321
- wind222
- wld22145
- Zheng222MGTV
- zoonono