
Track execution time of portion of your PHP code

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple static class to dissect execution times of a full script or parts of it.

Getting Started

Include Timing.php via include, require or composer autoload and use it as a static class.


Timing:: start('name') / stop('name')

Calculate the execution time between two points.

Timing::start('random calc');
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    $r = rand();
Timing::stop('random calc');

Timing:: break

Saves the time elapsed since the script started to the break point

$var = rand();


$var = rand();

Timing:: measure('name', callback)

Calculate the execution time of a function

$returnVal = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) {
    $returnVal += Timing::measure('someFunction('.$i.')', function() use ($i) {
        return $i;

Timing:: addCallback( callback )

Adds a function called every time a new timing has been saved

Timing::addCallback(function($key, $time) {
    var_dump("Collected timing for: $key: ". round($time,4));

Timing:: getTimings($round = 3, $slowThreshold = -INF, callable $cb )

Returns all saved times under a key=>value array

    [start] => 0
    [random calc] => 0.0003
    [someFunction(1)] => 1.0001
    [break @ sample.php:45] => 1.0006
    [someFunction(2)] => 2.0001