Automates various Machine Installations
Below is a list of some of the functions of the script:
- Installs Various Applications via Chocolatey
- Removes Pre-Installed Windows UWP Bloatware Apps
- Downloads various configs & settings
- Adjusts various Windows Preferences
- Add/Remove Windows Features
- Creates Various Folders
- Setup Taskbar (Not working in Win 10)
- Setup File Associations (Not Working in Win 10)
- Configure Start Up Applications
- Updates Windows
- Cleanup
You need to run Powershell as an Administrator
Before executing the Setup Script, you will probably have to change the execution policy in Powershell to Unrestricted
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
You can execute the Powershell script as follows:
Powershell.exe .\SetupPC.ps1
Currently, the Pinning/Unpinning of items on the Taskbar, as well as the setting up of file associations are currently not working in Windows 10. Until a workaround is found by the Chocolatey Team, they have been commented out.