
Helpers for integrating Google Cardboard XR Plugin with the Unity XR Interaction Toolkit

Primary LanguageC#

XR Cardboard Interactor

Helpers for integrating Google Cardboard XR Plugin with the Unity XR Interaction Toolkit

These assets provide a simple way to use the XR Interaction Toolkit with the Cardboard XR Plugin.

Cardboard plugin documentation:

Quick Start

The following instructions are updated to Unity 2021.3.21f1 LTS, but they should be valid for a wide range of versions.

  1. Install XR Plugin Management (Edit > Project Settings > XR Plugin Management)
  2. From Windows > Package Manager, install XR Interaction Toolkit and make sure that also the XR Plugin Management got installed
  3. Still in Package Manager, add the Google Cardboard SDK package (https://github.com/googlevr/cardboard-xr-plugin.git) via url (+ > Add Package From Git URL);
  4. Follow the instructions to set up the Google Cardboard SDK https://developers.google.com/cardboard/develop/unity/quickstart
  5. Either open the CardboardInteractorDemo scene or set up your own.

Use the Demo Scene

This repository can be directly opened from Unity Hub. In the Assets\CardboardHelpers\Demo folder the CardboardInteractableDemo scene gives a simple example on how to use the CardboardInteractor.

Set up your own Scene

The demo scene can be easily used for your own purposes by simply deleting those GameObjects not required by your projects. However it's also quite simple to set up your own Scene from scratch.

Start a new empty 3D project. The standard Main Camera component will be added, together with a default lighting.

Make the Main Camera an Interactor

On the Main Camera game object:

  1. right-click the Main Camera object and select XR > Convert Main Camera To XR Rig: now the Main Camera will be wrapped by an XR Rig GameObject; you may want to adjust its Transform properties to place it in an appropriate position;
  2. on the newly created XRRig, through the Add Component button, add an XR Origin component and set its attributes:
    1. drag Camera Offset contained in XRRig to Camera Floor Offset Object property;
    2. drag Main Camera contained in XRRig>Camera Offset to Camera Game Object property;
  3. select this latter Main Camera object and add the following Components:
    1. XR Controller (Device-based) and set the Controller Node property to Left Eye
    2. XR Ray Interactor and set the Select Action Trigger to State Change
    3. XR Cardboard Controller i.e. the script contained in this repository
  4. it's recommended to create an Interactable layer and set the Interactables Layer Mask on XR Cardboard Controller
  5. add the Reticle prefab as a child of Main Camera, set Position Z=2

The camera will now interact with UI buttons on a world canvas

Set the XR Interaction Manager

On the current scene:

  1. add a new XR > Interaction Manager
  2. go back to the XRRig > Camera Offset > Main Camera object and in the XR Ray Interactor set the property Interaction Manager to the newly created XR Interaction Manager

Make an object a Cardboard Interactable

To make a game object interactable, on the object:

  1. add a CardboardInteractable script from this package

The camera will now interact with the game object. The default mechanic is you point-and-click to select, move your head, then point-and-click again to unselect.

Note the On Hover Enter, On Hover Exit, On Select Enter, and On Select Exit actions are comparable to the XRI interactable ones.


The XRCardboardController scripts holds a flag called Make All Buttons Clickable that automatically adds a CardboardButtonClickable Script Component to any GameObject of type Button. This script will automatically invoke the standard OnClick() event of the Button.


  • The Sphere does not get highlighted when the reticle is pointing to the Cube: by copying and pasting the Cube and Sphere GameObjects it is likely that some reference can be corrupted. Typical symptom is when you point to the cube and the sphere is not highlighted. Two main reasons:
    • the alpha channel of the Hover and Select colors rolled back to zero, thus rendering only a transparent color; set it back to one;
    • the Cardboard Interactable component of Cube might have wrong link to the Sphere Highlighter script. Please set them back manually after copying.
  • I don't see the reticle/crossair: you probably didn't set the Z position of the reticle;