This is the initial public alpha for the Piraeus Operator. Currently, it is suitable for testing and development.
This Operator is currently under heavy development: documentation and examples will change frequently. Always use the latest release.
If you'd like to contribute, please visit and look through the issues to see if there is something you'd like to work on. If you'd like to contribute something not in an existing issue, please open a new issue beforehand.
If you'd like to report an issue, please use the issues interface in this project's github page.
This project is built using the operator-sdk (version 0.16.0). Please refer to the documentation for the sdk.
The operator can be deployed with Helm v3 chart in /charts as follows:
- Prepare the hosts for DRBD deployment. There are several options:
- Install DRBD directly on the hosts as documented.
- Install the appropriate kernel headers package for your distribution. Then the operator will compile and load the required modules.
If you are deploying with images from private repositories, create a kubernetes secret to allow obtaining the images. This example will create a secret named
:kubectl create secret docker-registry drbdiocred --docker-server=<SERVER> --docker-username=<YOUR_LOGIN> --docker-email=<YOUR_EMAIL> --docker-password=<YOUR_PASSWORD>
The name of this secret must match the one specified in the Helm values, by default
- Configure storage for the LINSTOR etcd instance.
There are various options for configuring the etcd instance for LINSTOR:
- Use an existing storage provisioner with a default
. - Use
volumes. - Disable persistence for basic testing. This can be done by adding
--set etcd.persistentVolume.enabled=false
to thehelm install
command below.
- Use an existing storage provisioner with a default
Configure a basic storage setup for LINSTOR:
- Create storage pools from available devices. Recommended for simple set ups. Guide
- Create storage pools from existing LVM setup. Guide
Read the storage guide and configure as needed.
Read the guide on securing the deployment and configure as needed.
Read up on optional components and configure as needed.
Finally create a Helm deployment named
that will set up everything.helm install piraeus-op ./charts/piraeus
You can use the included Helm templates to create hostPath
persistent volumes.
Create as many PVs as needed to satisfy your configured etcd replicaCount
(default 3).
Create the hostPath
persistent volumes, substituting cluster node names
accordingly in the nodes=
helm install linstor-etcd ./charts/pv-hostpath --set "nodes={<NODE0>,<NODE1>,<NODE2>}"
Persistence for etcd is enabled by default.
LINSTOR can connect to an existing PostgreSQL, MariaDB or etcd database. For instance, for a PostgresSQL instance with the following configuration:
POSTGRES_DB: postgresdb
POSTGRES_USER: postgresadmin
The Helm chart can be configured to use this database instead of deploying an etcd cluster by adding the following to the Helm install command:
--set etcd.enabled=false --set "operator.controller.dbConnectionURL=jdbc:postgresql://postgres/postgresdb?user=postgresadmin&password=admin123"
The chart contains a values file prepared for chinese users
It replaces the default image locations with images hosted on
You can configure resource requests and limits for all deployed containers. Take a look at this example chart configuration.
To protect the storage infrastructure of the cluster from accidentally deleting vital components, it is necessary to perform some manual steps before deleting a Helm deployment.
Delete all volume claims managed by piraeus components. You can use the following command to get a list of volume claims managed by Piraeus. After checking that non of the listed volumes still hold needed data, you can delete them using the generated
kubectl delete
command.$ kubectl get pvc --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.metadata.annotations.volume\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/storage-provisioner=="")]}kubectl delete pvc --namespace {.metadata.namespace} {}{"\n"}{end}' kubectl delete pvc --namespace default data-mysql-0 kubectl delete pvc --namespace default data-mysql-1 kubectl delete pvc --namespace default data-mysql-2
WARNING These volumes, once deleted, cannot be recovered.
Delete the LINSTOR controller and satellite resources.
Deployment of LINSTOR satellite and controller is controlled by the
resources. You can delete the resources associated with your deployment usingkubectl
kubectl delete linstorcontrollerset <helm-deploy-name>-cs kubectl delete linstornodeset <helm-deploy-name>-ns
After a short wait, the controller and satellite pods should terminate. If they continue to run, you can check the above resources for errors (they are only removed after all associated pods terminate)
Delete the Helm deployment.
If you removed all PVCs and all LINSTOR pods have terminated, you can uninstall the helm deployment
helm uninstall piraeus-op
However due to the Helm's current policy, the Custom Resource Definitions named
will not be deleted by the command.More information regarding Helm's current position on CRD's can be found here.
The operator must be deployed within the cluster in order for it to have access to the controller endpoint, which is a kubernetes service. See the operator-sdk guide on the Operator Framework for more information.
An etcd cluster must be running and reachable to use this operator. By default,
the controller will try to connect to piraeus-etcd
on port 2379
A simple in-memory etcd cluster can be set up using helm:
kubectl create -f examples/etcd-env-vars.yaml
helm install piraeus-etcd charts/piraeus/charts/etcd --set replicas=3 -f examples/etcd-values.yaml
If you are using Helm 2 and encountering difficulties with the above steps, you may need to set RBAC rules for the tiller component of helm:
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'
If you are deploying with images from a private repository, create a kubernetes
secret to allow obtaining the images. Create a secret named drbdiocred
kubectl create secret docker-registry drbdiocred --docker-server=<SERVER> --docker-username=<YOUR LOGIN> --docker-email=<YOUR EMAIL> --docker-password=<YOUR PASSWORD>
First you need to create the resource definitions
kubectl create -f charts/piraeus/crds/piraeus.linbit.com_linstorcsidrivers_crd.yaml
kubectl create -f charts/piraeus/crds/piraeus.linbit.com_linstorsatellitesets_crd.yaml
kubectl create -f charts/piraeus/crds/piraeus.linbit.com_linstorcontrollers_crd.yaml
Inspect the basic deployment example (examples/piraeus-operator-part-1.yaml), it may be deployed by:
kubectl create -f examples/piraeus-operator-part-1.yaml
Lastly, edit the storage pool configuration in examples/piraeus-operator-part-2.yaml. For examples, see above Now you can finally deploy the LINSTOR cluster with:
kubectl create -f examples/piraeus-operator-part-2.yaml
Please see the dedicated UPGRADE document
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