A Zig port of the "Ray tracing in one weekend" series with additions from the pbr-book too.

Built using mach-core and zig-gamedev libraries.

Some inspiration taken from https://github.com/Shridhar2602/WebGPU-Path-Tracer


  • Clone zig-gamdev to /deps


  • I have to add has_spheres, etc to uniforms, since I don't know what will happen otherwise

Things I want to add

  • Shaders
  • Real-time progressive rendering
  • Skyboxes

Next on the book

  • Instances
  • Volumes I'm stuck here. Everything looks correct, and I've even fixed a sneaky bug and improved how things are rendered in general. My suspicion is that the distances calculated in hitSphere are not correct. How can I debug them? Would it make sense to have a debug buffer to carry messages back to zig?
  • Textures
  • Noise
  • Final week 2 scene

Delta time

/// The time in seconds between the last frame and the current frame.
/// Higher frame rates will report higher values, for example if your application is running at
/// 60FPS this will report 0.01666666666 (1.0 / 60) seconds, and if it is running at 30FPS it will
/// report twice that, 0.03333333333 (1.0 / 30.0) seconds.
/// For example, instead of rotating an object 360 degrees every frame `rotation += 6.0` (one full
/// rotation every second, but only if your application is running at 60FPS) you may instead multiply
/// by this number `rotation += 360.0 * core.delta_time` which results in one full rotation every
/// second, no matter what frame rate the application is running at.
pub var delta_time: f32 = 0;
pub var delta_time_ns: u64 = 0;