Adapter with header, footer, multiple views, click and long click, managed with delegate methods.
Download repository and copy AggregateRecyclerAdapter.kt class in your project.
Adapter is organized in sections and rows. Each section can contains rows and has optional header and footer. Headers, rows and footers can have different views, based on section and rows numbers. They can be configured and respond to click and long click.
First create your model objects:
val sections = listOf("Section 1", "Section 2", "Section 3")
val rows = listOf("Row 1", "Row 2", "Row 3")
Set adapter to your recyclerView and assign a delegate to the adapter:
recyclerView.adapter = AggregateRecyclerAdapter(this)
Delegate has different members:
// Number of sections
override fun numberOfSections(): Int {
return sections.size
// Number of rows for each section
override fun numberOfItems(section: Int): Int {
return rows.size
// Layout id of each row in a section
override fun inflateRowID(section: Int, row: Int): Int {
if (section == 0) {
return R.layout.row_start
} else if (section == 1) {
return R.layout.row
} else {
return R.layout.row_end
// Configuration of each row in section (here Kotlin extension are used)
override fun configureRow(itemType: Int, itemView: View, section: Int, row: Int) {
itemView.textView.text = rows[row]
// Row click
override fun onRowClick(section: Int, row: Int) {
super.onRowClick(section, row)
Log.i("Row", "Click ${rows[row]}")
// Row long click
override fun onRowLongClick(section: Int, row: Int) {
super.onRowLongClick(section, row)
Log.i("Row", "Long click ${rows[row]}")
// Layout id of each header in a section
override fun inflateHeaderID(section: Int): Int? {
if (section == 0) {
return R.layout.header_start
} else if (section == 1) {
return R.layout.header
} else {
return R.layout.header_end
// Configuration of each header for section (here Kotlin extension are used)
override fun configureHeader(itemType: Int, itemView: View, section: Int) {
super.configureHeader(itemType, itemView, section)
itemView.textView.text = "Header ${sections[section]}"
// Header click
override fun onHeaderClick(section: Int) {
Log.i("Header", "Click ${sections[section]}")
// Header long click
override fun onHeaderLongClick(section: Int) {
Log.i("Header", "Long click ${sections[section]}")
// Layout id of each footer in a section
override fun inflateFooterID(section: Int): Int? {
if (section == 0) {
return R.layout.footer_start
} else if (section == 1) {
return R.layout.footer
} else {
return R.layout.footer_end
// Configuration of each footer for section (here Kotlin extension are used)
override fun configureFooter(itemType: Int, itemView: View, section: Int) {
super.configureFooter(itemType, itemView, section)
itemView.textView.text = "Footer ${sections[section]}"
// Footer click
override fun onFooterClick(section: Int) {
Log.i("Footer", "Click ${sections[section]}")
// Footer long click
override fun onFooterLongClick(section: Int) {
Log.i("Footer", "Long click ${sections[section]}")