
A repository for the development environment of the FabDrupal distribution, a Drupal distribution for FabLabs

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A Drupal distribution for FabLabs

Projects documentation, Machine description and reservation, Suppliers and Partners Mapping, Blog, Event registration, Open REST API (anonymous and registered access)

Use FabDrupal

Download from Releases the fabdrupal-7.x-0.21.tgz package and install as a normal Drupal package. You will be asked to insert a Flickr API key at the end of the installation process. You will have to manually select the option for the machine reservation after the install is done by going to Structure > Content Types > Machines and under MERCI Settings check Resource. You will probably have to reorganize the menu.


The Make, Install and Profile file that organize the distribution

## features The packages of the custom modules for the distribution

fabdrupal + db.sql

This is the development environment of the FabDrupal distribution: folder and MySQL database. Warning: use only in the development, not in production! In production, remember to change the admin and the website e-mail.

Admin user:

username = admin
password = admin

### Database:
