
Generates an RSS feed tracking new releases of TV shows

Primary LanguagePHP


Apache2 + php7.4 + sqlite (libsqlite >= 3.7.4, via php-sqlite3 on Ubuntu) + libcurl >= 7.15.5 (via php-curl on Ubuntu)

Yes all of this should be scripted but I wanted to get the actual thing working first.

Set up Auth for submission

Enable AllowOverride AuthConfig in your apache config (probably /etc/apache2/apache2.conf) Enable the apache group authorisation module a2enmod authz_groupfile

mkdir -p /usr/local/apache/passwd htpasswd -c -B -C 10 /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords username echo "SeriesSubmission: username" > /usr/local/apache/passwd/groups

Ensure the file is accessible to the user/group apache runs as (probably www-data)

Create a password file in /var/www/passwords accessible to the group apache runs as using htpasswd -c -B -C 10 /var/www/passwords

Set up IMDB-API Auth

Get an API key for (the official sounding but unofficial and scammy-looking) IMDB-API, create a JSON file containing it as shown in the sample seriesRssSecrets.json.sample. Put that file in the /usr/local/apache directory created for submission auth above.