
Web proxy written in PHP.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a webproxy script written in PHP by Hugo Leisink hugo@leisink.net.


  • Copy all files to a suitable location.
  • Make the webserver rewrite all requests to index.php.
  • Make this proxy available via both HTTP and HTTPS.
  • Use an SSL certificate that is valid for *.proxy.tld and proxy.tld.

You can use the script certificate/generate to create a self-signed certificate.

Hiawatha webserver example configuration

In the following configuration, replace proxy.domain.tld with your own hostname.

VirtualHost {
	Hostname = proxy.domain.tld, *.proxy.domain.tld
	WebsiteRoot = /var/www/proxy
	StartFile = index.php
	AccessLogfile = /var/log/hiawatha/proxy-access.log
	ErrorLogfile = /var/log/hiawatha/proxy-error.log
	UseFastCGI = PHP5
	UseToolkit = proxy
	TimeForCGI = 60
	TLScertFile = tls/proxy.pem

UrlToolkit {
	ToolkitID = proxy
	Header Host !^proxy.domain.tld$ Skip 1
	RequestURI isfile Return
	Match [^?]*(\?.*)? Rewrite /index.php$1