Published working app here.

Short description of used stack
  • Backend: ASP.NET core 3.1 webapi
  • Frontend: React

Programming Task

  • Assignment type: Programming Task
  • Target language: C#


  • You have to create a small web application which will display a list of changes for currency rates for the selected date. The user should be able to select a date, then click a button and get a list of changes for currency rate of each currency.

  • The change for currency rate is calculated by comparing currency rate on selected date and one day before.

  • The currency exchange rates can be taken from a public web service: *please note that it works just with the dates up to the end of the year 2014.

  • Results have to be ordered- highest exchange rate increases first.

Tooling requirements

  • C# language should be used. Web application should be created using any of .NET web application frameworks. Please use .NET 4.0 or later version. For front end you can use any of JS libraries or frameworks.