Web Site example using css layout and basic java script utilities
- Add new widget
- Make sure you understand how to find any elements with:
- document.getElementById('element-id')
- document.getElementsByClassName("class-name")
- document.getElementsByTagName("a")
- and nested combinations of those
- play in FireBug to find and change some attributes (color, display, width, height, etc.) of some elements
- Make all widgets collapsible
- variables
- boolean | var employed = true;
- number | var age = 10;
- string | var name = 'text';
- object
- array | var skills = ['html', 'css', 'js'];
- json | var p = {name: 'me', age: 29, employed: true, skills: ['html', 'css', 'js']};
- object (DOM elements, others)
- functions
- parameters
- scope