
A web app for creating mind maps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A dendrite is a tree-like structure in the human brain responsible for the transmission of electrochemical stimulation - in other words, thought.

Our project is a thinking tool in the same vein - a lightweight and portable web app which captures ideas in the form of mind maps.



(Requires Google App Engine)

git clone
dev_appserver.py --clear_datastore=yes app.yaml

Alternatively, open the folder with Google App Engine Launcher

Mind Maps

  • Double-click anywhere on the canvas to create a node. Nodes can hold text of any sort.
  • Click on nodes to select them. Selected nodes can be dragged around, linked to others, or deleted.
  • Double-click on a selected node to enter it - inside each node is a space which can contain other nodes. Drop nodes into other nodes to create elaborate hierarchies. Your mind maps can be made endlessly deep in this way.
  • The breadcrumb helps you to find your bearings. Failing that, the up button gets you out of recursive tangles.

Upcoming Features

  • Node customization
  • Responsive layout
  • Saving and loading locally
  • Exporting to various formats
  • More layout options