
My Void Linux Openbox dotfiles. It loads random theme & wallpaper then unify the window decorator, panel, terminal, startmenu, notifications, OSD popup, and desktop menu.

Primary LanguageShell


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Short Explanations : Every login (or reload), random colorscheme from ~/.colors/ folder will be loaded. Window decorator, panel, terminal, startmenu, notifications, OSD popup, and desktop menu will use the same colourscheme from that random picked colouscheme. If there is terminal window opened on paintmybox execution, the terminal colourscheme will be reloaded on the fly. The wallpaper is also randomly picked from ~/.wallpaper/ folder.


dunst hsetroot noto-fonts-ttf obconf openbox rofi rxvt-unicode slop tint2 xrdb xsel xsettingsd
And maybe also needs other packages those I can't remember one by one