
Milestone Project II, Binder.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Milestone Project II for NJIT Coding Bootcamp, created by Darius M, Alex C, Christian C, Ella G

Note Taking App

Binder.io is a notetaking app that allows basic CRUD functionality. Users will have Binders, and the notes will be tied to the binders. This renders in the Binder page as tabs with a list of notes.


Binders, Incomplete-Status, CRUD

Bonus Features

Task-List, Collaborative note-taking, extra styling

Important Links

  • Main App on Heroku: (Link)
  • API Github Repo: (Link)

Data Models

Models for SQL Tables

User Table

| UserId | UserName | Password | DisplayName |


| BinderId | BinderTitle | UserId | DateCreated |


| NoteId | BinderId | NoteTitle | NoteContent | DateModified |


Date Contributor Summary
Sun. 4/24 Darius ReadMe file, initial commit.
Tues. 4/26 Darius Navigator / TopBar component. Began SideBar, ViewPort. Need to review documentation on passing data between parent and child in SPA format.
Tues. 4/26 Chris Skeletons for BinderContent, Binders, CreateBinders, CreateNote, EditNote, Home, LogIn, NoteContent, SignUp, UserSettings.
Thurs. 4/28 Darius SideBar content. Binder.js content. Binder.js returns list of binders. Binder.js is currently imported into SideBar. Began work on LogIn form.
Thurs. 4/28 Chris Styled Login/Signup forms slightly and added temp. login/signup & signout logic, including alerts for bad attempts.
Sun. 5/1 Chris Tweaked const. names and added first draft login/signup server request logic.
Wed. 5/4 Darius Fetch routes. Component tree shaving.
Thurs. 5/5 Chris, Darius, Alex Edit Modals for Binder and Notes, dynamic rendering in binderview page.

Project Planning

Date Goals
Sun. 4/24 Create GitHub repository. Add collaborators. Complete README.md, tasks sectioned out
Tues. 4/26 Ensure understanding of version control through Git, Basic Models for SQL Database, Skeleton of the website
Thurs. 4/28 Complete Skeleton of Front-End to visualize database querying