
Yii2 map widget allows you to simplify the entry of geographic coordinates for your form. Support google and yandex maps services.

Primary LanguagePHP

#Map input widget for Yii2 The widget allows you to simplify the entry of geographic coordinates for your form. Support google and yandex maps services.

##Installation The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

$ php composer.phar require msvdev/yii2-widget-mappicker "*"

or add

"msvdev/yii2-widget-mappicker": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


###Minimal example for google maps

echo $form->field($model, 'coordinatesAttribute')->widget(\msvdev\widgets\mappicker\MapInput::className(), ['apiKey' => 'google_api_key']);

###Minimal example for yandex maps

echo $form->field($model, 'coordinatesAttribute')->widget(\msvdev\widgets\mappicker\MapInput::className(), ['service' => 'yandex']);

###Example settings

use \msvdev\widgets\mappicker\MapInput;

echo $form->field($model, 'coordinatesAttribute')->widget(
        'language' => 'en-Us', // map language, default is the same as in the app        
        'service' => 'google', // map service provider, "google" or "yandex", default "google"       
        'apiKey' => '', // required google maps
        'coordinatesDelimiter' => '@', // attribute coordinate string delimiter, default "@" (lat@lng)       
        'mapWidth' => '800px', // width map container, default "500px"
        'mapHeight' => '500px', // height map container, default "500px"
        'mapZoom' => '14', // map zoom value, default "10"
        'mapCenter' => [55.753338, 37.622861], // coordinates center map with an empty attribute, default Moscow        