
Connector to execute Neo4J-Commands written in Cypher or JCypher via a Kafka-Topic

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Connector to execute Neo4J-Commands written in Cypher or JCypher via a Kafka-Topic

Differences to other Neo4J Connectors

This connector support JCypher and uses the Apache-Kafka-Streams model. Other Connectors only support simple Cypher-Commands and use an architecture that uses a Apache Kafka producer and a consumer to listen and print to topics.



Java –jar KafkaNeo4JConnector.jar [Settingsfile.config | Neo4JServerUrl Neo4JUsername Neo4JPassword kafkaServers kafkaInputTopic kafkaOutputTopic kafkaGroupid]

You can give in options via a Settingsfile.config with the format:

Kafka.BootstrapServers = localhost:9092
Kafka.ZookeperConnect = localhost:2181
Kafka.GroupId = myconsumer
Kafka.TwitterImprovedTopic = topic2
Kafka.Neo4JConfirmationTopic = topic3
Neo4J.Server = bolt://localhost:7687
Neo4J.Username = neo4j
Neo4J.Password = neo4j

Or give every value in the command:

  • Neo4JServerUrl
  • Neo4JUsername
  • Neo4JPassword
  • kafkaServers
  • kafkaInputTopic
  • kafkaOutputTopic
  • kafkaGroupid


Transform a Neo4JCommand-object in a string. This can be done with the help of the Neo4JCommandSchema. Then send this command via a Kafka Topic to this program. Then get the result on the output-topic and deserialize the Neo4JCommand-object back into java. You can now access the errors and the results via methods getResults() and getError(). The results in getResults() are a little bit complicated, to use it please check the json-format and check all types before casting the objects.