
A list of all the collection items in Destiny 2, grabbed from the bungie.net API

Primary LanguagePython


A list of all the collection items in Destiny 2, grabbed from the bungie.net API


Create a file called config.json in the root directory and populate it like this:

    "HEADERS": {
        "X-API-Key" : "<Bungie.net Api Key Here>"
    "Account": {
        "membershipType": <Your Platform ID>,
        "destinyMembershipId": <Your Destiny Membership ID>

How to use

  • Open Lookup.py
  • Change the itemName variable to the name of the item you want to lookup
  • Run the file
  • Open up itemInfo.json to see the API info of the item

How to recompile the JSON

  • Change the if(True): to if(False): (This is here to prevent an accidental recompile)
  • Run the compile.py file and leave it sit for a while
    This code isnt very efficient, as it iterates through items that have already been saved in the dictionary.