
ChatGPT generated Destiny 2 PHP Wrapper (will not maintain)

Primary LanguagePHP

==================== Destiny 2 API Wrapper

This PHP wrapper allows you to interact with Bungie's Destiny 2 API. It provides easy-to-use methods to access various Destiny 2 endpoints such as player profiles, inventory items, and more.

==================== REQUIREMENTS

  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • cURL extension enabled
  • An active Bungie API key

==================== INSTALLATION

  1. Copy the wrapper files to your server.
  2. Set up your API key in the config.php file:
    • Open config.php
    • Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your Bungie API key.

==================== USAGE

  1. Include the wrapper in your project: require_once 'Destiny2API.php';

  2. Initialize the wrapper: $api = new Destiny2API();

  3. Use the various methods provided to interact with the Destiny 2 API.

==================== EXAMPLES

  1. Search for a Player: $membershipType = 3; // Steam $displayName = 'PlayerName'; $player = $api->searchDestinyPlayer($membershipType, $displayName); print_r($player);

  2. Get Player Profile: $destinyMembershipId = '12345678'; $components = [100]; // Basic profile info $profile = $api->getProfile($membershipType, $destinyMembershipId, $components); print_r($profile);

  3. Get Inventory Item by Hash: $itemHash = 2575506895; $item = $api->getInventoryItem($itemHash); print_r($item);

==================== ENDPOINTS

The wrapper supports all Destiny 2 API endpoints. Below are some examples:

  • searchDestinyPlayer($membershipType, $displayName) - Search for a Destiny 2 player.
  • getProfile($membershipType, $destinyMembershipId, $components) - Get detailed player profile.
  • getInventoryItem($itemHash) - Fetch details about an inventory item.
  • And more, as described in the Bungie API documentation.

==================== ERROR HANDLING

Errors encountered during API calls will throw exceptions. You can handle these using try-catch blocks:

try { // Your API calls here } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); }

==================== TROUBLESHOOTING

  • Memory Exhaustion: Increase your memory limit in php.ini or via ini_set() if you encounter memory issues.
  • API Key Issues: Ensure your API key is valid and correctly set in config.php.
  • Rate Limits: Be mindful of Bungie's rate limits; avoid making too many requests in a short period.

==================== LICENSE

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

==================== SUPPORT

For support, please refer to the official Bungie API documentation at: https://bungie-net.github.io/