
Hysteria-WoW/DragonFire private repository.

Primary LanguageC++

# You get this as-is, credits/copyright goes to Sunwell's team, TrinityCore, Mangos, SDB2 and many more that I cannot remember of..

# The project is currently paused, no fixes will be pushed, only hotfixes like crashes, exploits, gamebreaking bugs etc will be fixed.

# ProjectBalnazzar (master/3.3.5a)
## Introduction

ProjectBalnazzar is a *MMORPG* Framework based mostly in C++.

It is derived from *TrinityCore* and *MaNGOS*, the *Massive Network Game Object Server*, and is
based on the code of that project with extensive changes over time to optimize,
improve and cleanup the codebase at the same time as improving the in-game
mechanics and functionality. 

## Requirements

ACE ≥ 6.3.2
MySQL ≥ 5.1.0 
OpenSSL ≥ 1.0.x
CMake ≥ 3.2.0

GCC ≥ 6.2.0
MVC(Visual Studio) ≥ 15 (2017)