
Radeon Software for Linux (AMDGPU PRO) PKGBUILD generator for ArchLinux AUR

Primary LanguagePython


Please run reposetup.sh prior to committing. This will install a git hook that will automatically re-generate PKGBUILD and .SRCINFO as needed before the commit completes.

Steps to do when new version is released

  1. Download an amd bundle archive and place it to root of the repository.
  2. Change versions in versions file.
  3. Change pkgrel, url_ref in gen-PKGBUILD.py file.
  4. Run ./unpack_all_deb_packages.sh
  5. Copy the file archive_name_dir/"Packages" to "Packages_extracted" with the following command:
    . versions; cp amdgpu-pro-$pkgver_base-$pkgver_build-ubuntu-$ubuntu_ver/Packages Packages-extracted
  6. Run ./gen_packages_map.sh > packages_map.py
    See differences with git diff -w packages_map.py
    If there are differences, then make adjustments to gen_packages_map.sh if needed. Especially, look for the new appeared packages (they will have empty comment) and removed packages. If there are new or removed packages, then use make_pkgbuild_pkgs_template.sh and edit gen-PKGBUILD.py
  7. Run sudo debtap -u. Then run ./gen_replace_deps.sh > replace_deps.py
    See differences with git diff -w replace_deps.py
    If there are differences, then make adjustments to gen_replace_deps.sh if needed.
  8. Run ./extract_transaction_scripts_and_triggers.sh.
    Compare transaction scripts and triggers from current and previous driver version in opened meld window. If you see explicit version numbers in file names, add additional rename instructions in extract_transaction_scripts_and_triggers.sh. This will help you to compare contents of the files in meld.
    If there are changes, see if it is needed to convert them to pacman .install files or hooks.
  9. Create a local repository (if not done yet) by adding the following to your /etc/pacman.conf:
    SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
    Server = File:///home/andrew/Development/archlinux-amdgpu-pro/ # edit path to your development directory
  10. Regenerate PKGBUILD with ./remake_all.sh
  11. If you notice empty licence in PKGBUILD, add its hash to the licenses_hashes_map in gen-PKGBUILD.py
  12. Install from local repository and test it.
  13. Commit to project repo (not the aur) with the tag.
    git tag $(source PKGBUILD; echo v${major}_${minor}-${pkgrel})
    git push origin $(source PKGBUILD; echo v${major}_${minor}-${pkgrel})
    Create a release on github pointing to the new tag.
  14. Update AUR package: copy PKGBUILD, .SRCINFO and other files as needed.