
A plugin system solution with PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Hooks API, A plugin system solution with PHP

Version: 1.2
License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL

#0. What's this?

PHP Hooks API is a solution to attach plug-in scripts into the specified hook that is embedded in main codes. This API can be used to setup and embed third party's plugins in main code streaming, just like how it is done by Wordpress Plugin API.

#1. Terminology

Plugin System: help to add 3rd party's functions into program and also decoulp their codes from the main codes by storing these plugins in separate location(folder). It can flexibly dis/assemble these functions by adding/delecting plugin files or folders without other affects.

Plugin: one or set of functions, is stored in separate locations - plugins folder. It can be seamlessly integrated to the main program through attaching hooks.

Hook: Plugin system use the hook method to allow the plugin to be hooked into main program.

Apply Hook: tell the main program, where/when execute the attched function scripts that stored in the plugins folder.

#2. How To Do

Here is a example to demostrate how to use the plugin system.

setup.php: create the database of plugin system by providing DB informatin properly, if you need to manage plugins by backend.

control.php: is a example of plugins control panel, you can manage the plugins dis/activity by backend.

init.php: is a initiate process to

  • include phphooks class and create instance
  • fetch the active plugins list from DB
  • set/define hook tags
  • load/define plugin folder
  • re-define functions for plugins

example.php: The example page demostrate to attach the specific plugin that's stored in plugins folder by applying hook in the main program.

plugins folder: storing third party's plugins.

phphooks.class.php phphooks class, is core class of this system. include it if you want to use this system in your program.

#3. Donate to PHPHooks ![paypal] [paypal]:https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif "Donate to PHPHooks"