
Contact List with .NET Web Api 4.6 and Angular 4 Typescript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Contact List with .NET Web Api 4.6, Angular 4 and Typescript


Simple project with RESTfull verbs that CRUD a contact list. The main idea here is to make a simple app using angular 4, Typescript, webpack, stylus, pug and .NET Web API in the back-end.


Change the value 'PATH_TO_FILE' of key 'path' in appSettings on Web.config file to set the place where json file will be saved.

		<add key="path" value="PATH_TO_FILE"/> // Change here

yarn or npm install


  • npm run build => bundle front-end files
  • Build and run the solution.

Development [ Node and Webpack ]

  • npm start
  • Open localhost:8080 in your favorite browser


Front-end files in App_Public folder.