
A challenge from ContaAzul

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ContaAzul Challenge

Heroku Coveralls github node (scoped with tag)

Release 2.0.0

💥 🎉 🎊 Updates

  • ts-node server moved to a new instance of API which you can find here: Vehicles API
  • application full integrated with Vehicles API
  • ts-server out webpack-dev-server in for a clean structure
  • http-server added for a simpler run
  • TravisCI removed to stick only with herokuCI
  • ForkJoin, BehaviorSubject and observer operators from rxJS added
  • Jest collectCoverage added to code coverage
  • Commented unit tests
  • SOLID concepts and Design Patterns applied
  • hard refactoring and general re-orders


A simple vehicle dashboard with CRUD actions

I have deployed a clone of this repo at heroku in the link below:

You can visit the API in the link below. It have basic CRUD operations and it's totally open.

I also have a docker image from this repo uploaded at DockerHub if you want to play around with it.

General information

Webpack-dev-server makes all the work, hot-reloading components, templates, styles, assets and making awesome async bundles.

I have used angular 5 with some extras animation libs like GSAP and MorphSVGPlugin to makes the magic happens.

For tests you can count on a new facebook library Jest.

I also have used Figma and Proto.io to design extra layouts.


How to install

  • Install all dependencies with yarn. This is a very important thing cause I have locked all my packages version in yarnlock file.

How to use

  • npm start => Serve the aplication in localhost:8080 in production mode
  • npm run prod => Serve the aplication in localhost:8080 in production mode
  • npm run dev => Triggers webpack-dev-server and serve application in localhost:8080 in development mode
  • npm run build => build front-end application in /build folder
  • npm run test => a delightful tests with jest according to documentation =}
  • npm run test:watch => delightful tests in watchmode