
  1. JavaScript Syntax, Part I ● Introduction to JavaScript ● Variables ● Conditionals ● Functions ● Scope
  2. JavaScript Syntax, Part II ● Arrays ● Loops ● Objects ● Iterators ● Errors and Debugging
  3. Git and Github ● Introduction: Git and Github ● Basic Git Workflow ● Important Git Operations ● Introduction to GitHub ● Github & Markdown
  4. Introduction to Back-end ● What is a Back-End? ● Back-end JavaScript with Node.js ● Modular Development with Node.js
  5. Build a Back-end with Express.js ● Introduction to Express.js ● Routes ● Middleware
  6. User Authentication & Authorization ● Introduction: User Authentication and Authorization ● Authentication, Authorization and Encryption ● Session Authentication in Express.js ● Password Authentication ● OAuth 2.0
  7. Back-end and Feature Testing ● Introduction ● Feature Testing with TDD ● Server Testing with TDD
  8. Database Basics ● Introduction ● Types of Database ● Basic commands ● Installing and Using PostgresSQL locally
  9. Working with Databases ● What can We do with a Database? ● Aggregate Functions ● Multiple Tables
  10. Designing Relational Databases ● Introduction ● How do we make and populate Database? ● Triggers ● Creating an Organised Database
  11. Advanced PostgresSQL ● Introduction ● Database qualities: Intact & Fast ● Normalizing a Database ● Database Maintenence
  12. Adding a PostgresSQL Database ● Introduction ● PostgesSQL with Node and Express ● SQL, Query Builders and ORMs
  13. API Development with Swagger and OpenAPI ● Introduction to API Development ● Design First API Design ● Design and Document APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI
  14. Final Portfolio Project with REST API ● E-Commerce App (REST API)