
description: Ansible Role to Install DISA ACAS Server (sans Tenable products)

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: ACAS Server

This Ansible Role will configure a RHEL 8 system as an Assured Compliance Assessment System (ACAS) server. This role does not install the Tenable software that is included. Instead, it configures the basic system in accordance with the current DISA guidelines published to the ACAS Program Site. This role will also ensure the system is running in FIPS mode, which may cause a reboot of the system.

This role will continue from step 3.3 of the ACAS RHEL 8 User Guide. Previous steps describe the required RHEL 8 installation options.

Of note, DISA has not digitally signed the acas_configure RPM. There is no GPG verification available. However, DISA has provided a SHA256 hash signature for the RPM file which is included in default/main.yml.


  • Server must be configured IAW ACAS EL8 User Guide
  • The acas_configure package must be hosted on an accessible web server--dnf / yum repositories are not supported at this time

Role Variables

Sensitive Variables

The following variables are defined and need to have values provided by the calline site. STRONGLY recommend using Ansible Vault or some other secret-sharing method to ensure these values are not stored in plaintext within your playbooks.

  • grub2_password: Password used to modify boot settings or access single-user mode

Non-Sensitive Variables

The following values can be provided directly in your playbooks without any security concerns. They are for site customization.

  • acas_configure_url: URL for the acas_configure package
  • acas_configure_shasum: SHA256 Hash for the acas_configure RPM; this will be provided at the DISA download site
  • audit_rules_shasum: SHA256 Hash for the audit.rules file within the files/ folder; this will be provided at the DISA download site
  • verify_repository_ssl: Whether or not to verify the SSL certificate for your local site repository web server



Example Playbook

This is a sample playbook for this role:

- name: Deploy ACAS Server
  become: true
  become_method: sudo
  gather_facts: true
  hosts: acas
    - role: acas
      acas_configure_url: https://repo.lab.test/repo/acas/acas_configure-23.03-2.noarch.rpm
      verify_repository_ssl: false
      grub2_password: '{{ vault_grub_password }}'



Author Information

Alex Ackerman, X @darkhonor