
Installs Ansible Core on a system to include support for airgap environments

Ansible Role: Ansible

Installs the Ansible Core application and (if required) the modules and plugins required to operate the application in an airgap environment.



Role Variables

You can modify any of the following variables as you wish in the role's defaults/main.yml:

  • airgap: Boolean if the target is in an airgap'd environment (Default: false)
  • trust_repository_certs: Boolean if the source repository's certificate is trusted by the target (Default: true)
  • collection_archive_url: Full URL to an archive of the Ansible Collections (airgap only)
  • python_lib_archive_url: Full URL to an archive of the Python Libraries required by Ansible (airgap only)
  • collection_archive_path: Path on the target to create and store the Ansible Collections (airgap only; Default: /opt/ansible)
  • python_archive_path: Path on the target to create and store the Python Library archive before installation (airgap only; Default: /opt/python-libs)

The following role variables are safe defaults and should not need to be modified:

  • collection_archive_owner: File owner for the collection archive (airgap only; Default: root)
  • collection_archive_group: Group owner for the collection files (airgap only; Default: root)
  • collection_archive_mode: Directory Mode for the collection files (airgap only; Default: 0755)
  • collection_archive_setype: SELinux Type for collection files (airgap only; Default: usr_t)
  • collection_archive_keep_newer: Boolean if you want to preserve files locally that are newer than the files in the archive (airgap only; Default: false)
  • ansible_collection_list: Curated list of Ansible Collections to install with the role (airgap only)
  • python_library_list: Curated list of Python Libraries to install with the role (airgap only)



Example Playbook

Here is an example playbook using this role:

- name: Configure workstations
  become: true
  become_method: sudo
  gather_facts: true
  hosts: all
    - role: ansible
      airgap: true
      trust_repository_certs: false
      collection_archive_url: "{{ repo_server }}/{{ ansible_collection_archive }}"
      collection_archive_path: /opt/ansible
      python_archive_path: /opt/python-libs
      ansible_collection_list: '{{ ansible_collection_archive_list }}'
      python_library_list: '{{ python_libs_list }}'



Author Information

Alex Ackerman, GitHub @darkhonor