
Ansible Role to apply DISA STIG configuration to an Ubuntu system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Ubuntu STIG

This Ansible role will apply the current DISA Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) configuration to an Ubuntu system. This role is neither sponsored by nor maintained by the Department of Defense or the Defense Inforamtion System Agency. This is a personal project of mine to have a role that is easier to apply and maintain than the official DISA release.

WARNING: DO NOT BLINDLY ACCEPT ALL STIG CONFIGURATIONS WHEN SECURING YOUR SERVER. Take the time to review each setting for applicability in your use case.

The STIG compliance rate mentioned below is measured by running the SCAP Compliance Checker (SCC) tool with the baseline release against a system that has applied this role. No additional settings will be added to this role. Instead a supplementary ansible role will be maintained to increase this value.

Version Information


Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) or 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) are required for this role for now. I intend to extend this role to add the Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) STIG configuration in a future release.

Role Variables

There are a significant number of role variables associated with this implementation. The official release maintains two variables for each configuration setting:

  • ubuntu2004STIG_stigrule_VULNID_Manage: A Boolean value specifying whether this settings should be configured or skipped (True = managed)
  • ubuntu2004STIG_stigrule_VULNID__SETTINGNAME_Value: The configuration value to set

These values are set in the [defaults/main.yml] file and should be reviewed for any deviations required for your business application.

DISA provides an easy to use STIG Viewer application to review the various settings. Download this tool and the associated STIG referenced above.


There are no other dependencies for this role. However, I will maintain an additional ansible role to apply additional STIG settings that are not covered by the official Ansible release.

Example Playbook

This is a sample playbook that implements this role. In the example shown here, the role is called and two of the STIG settings are set to not be managed. In this case, I am selecting not to configure the default DoD banner.

- hosts: servers
    - role: ubuntu_stig
      ubuntu2004STIG_stigrule_238198_Manage: false
      ubuntu2004STIG_stigrule_238214_Manage: false



Author Information

Alex Ackerman, Twitter @Darkhonor