
PlexMediaManager (PMM) is a tool to help users and administrators to manage the content of their Plex Media Server.

Primary LanguagePHP

Plex Media Manager

Features for Server Administrators

  • Ability to manage users and groups
  • Ability to view mounted disks, their statistics and perform necessary operations on them
  • Ability to view application logs
  • Ability to download new / update existing series and movies using provided "Indexers"
  • More other features

Features for Users

  • Ability to request access to Plex Media Server
  • Ability to request certain movies / series
  • Ability to be redirected to Plex when user wants to watch selected item
  • More other features!

Getting Started

0. System Requirements

Minimal Recommended
Processor 4 Cores 8 Cores
Memory 4096 MB ~7000 MB

If you are opting for the minimal spec, it is recommended to edit the volumes/backend/config/horizon.php and lower down the processes variables to 1, you can also try to change the memory variables to something like 300 or lower, however, it is not recommended to pick a value lower than 300.

Domain names for the application If you are familiar with the docker-compose.yml and can suite yourself with the variables presented there and not simply Ctrl + R the REPLACE_WITH_DOMAIN_NAME, you can skip this part, otherwise, if you are just Ctrl + R the variable mentioned before, then these are the A (AAAA) records you have to create on YOUR DNS provider, Cloudflare for example. (assuming you have also opted for the Traefik)

Service Domain Name
backend media-api.REPLACE_WITH_DOMAIN_NAME
websockets media-sockets.REPLACE_WITH_DOMAIN_NAME

1. Cloning the base application

git clone https://github.com/darki73/PlexMediaManager.git plexmediamanager  

2. Copying necessary files

cp docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml  
cp move-files.sh.example move-files.sh  
cp settings.yml.example settings.yml  

3. Picking services (docker-compose.yml)


There are two options in running Traefik

  1. Traefik which is provided inside the applications docker-compose.yml file
  2. Running external Traefik (This requires you to add necessary middlewares to your Traefik installation). This also requires Traefik 2, and wont work with Traefik releases prior version.

Running provided Traefik
Simply remove the comments # from the Traefik service and change all REPLACE_WITH_DOMAIN_NAME values.

Running external Traefik
Simply add this bit of code at the top definition of networks

traefik_proxy:  # this  is the name of the Traefik network created by you  
  external: true  


There are two options in running Jackett.

  1. Jackett which is provided inside the applications docker-compose.yml file
  2. Running external Jackett

Running provided Jackett
Simply remove the comments # from the Jackett service and change all REPLACE_WITH_DOMAIN_NAME values.

QBitTorrent aka Torrent

Remove the comments from the torrent service and replace REPLACE_WITH_DOMAIN_NAME with your actual domain name

Be sure to replace REPLACE_WITH_DOMAIN_NAME entries in the docker-compose.yml file with your domain name and REPLACE_WITH_DOMAIN in the move_files.sh file.

4. Populating the settings.yml

  version: v2.0  # This is the Jackett API version, leave it as is if you dont know what this means  
  url: jackett  # URL to Jackett server, if you have your own installation, provider the full URL  
  key:  # Jackett API key, you will receive it upon first visit of https://jackett.DOMAIN_NAME  
  timeout: 10.0    
  max_redirects: 5    
proxy:  # Proxy configuration, leave it as is if you dont plan to use proxy  
  type: socks5    
  port: 1080    
  username: null    
  password: null    
    - en    
    - ru    
  tmdb_api_version: 3  # Just dont touch it, i will issue a warning if you will need to change it
  tmdb_api_key:  # API Key for the TheMovieDatabase (https://www.themoviedb.org), can be obtained on your account page  
  plex_url:  # URL for your plex installation (without http:// or https://)  
  plex_api_key:    # Instructions can be found here (https://support.plex.tv/articles/204059436-finding-an-authentication-token-x-plex-token)  
  preferred: drive_name_1 # Name of the preferred drive (the one which is defined in the plex mounts section)  
    value: 500  # With the configuration as below, this means that when there is 500 GB or less on the drive, next drive will be selected  
    units: GB    
    percentage: false    
       drive_name_1: /drive_name_1/path/to/the/plex/library/on/that/drive  
       drive_name_2: /drive_name_2/path/to/the/plex/library/on/that/drive  
    torrent:  /path/to/the/folder/inside/applications/root/volumes/torrent/completed # ./volumes/torrent/completed  
    - avi    
    - mkv    
    - mp4    
    - m4v    
  url: torrent  # URL to the torrent client, leave it as is if you are using torrent client bundled with this application  
  username:  # Username used for the web authentication on the torrent client  
  password: ""  # Password used for the web authentication on the torrent client  
    - remux  

You also have to edit the docker-compose.yml file and add the mounts there. Here are the examples for the 2 services (if you are running your own instance of QBitTorrent, then you only need to edit the &app-service app: &app-service-template service)

&app-service app: &app-service-template

&app-service app: &app-service-template  
  image: registry.freedomcore.ru/darki73/plexmediamanager/application:latest  
  user: "${USER_ID:-1000}:${GROUP_ID:-1000}"  
  restart: always  
    - home-dir:/home/user  # This one is the default one, dont touch it
    - ./volumes/backend:/app:rw    # This one is the default one, dont touch it
    - .git:/app/.git:ro    # This one is the default one, dont touch it
    - ./settings.yml:/app/storage/app/private/settings.yml:ro  # This one is the default one, dont touch it
    - /drive_name_1/path/to/the/plex/library/on/that/drive/series:/app/storage/app/private/plex/series/drive_name_1
    - /drive_name_2/path/to/the/plex/library/on/that/drive/series:/app/storage/app/private/plex/series/drive_name_2
    - /drive_name_1/path/to/the/plex/library/on/that/drive/movies:/app/storage/app/private/plex/movies/drive_name_1
    - /drive_name_2/path/to/the/plex/library/on/that/drive/movies:/app/storage/app/private/plex/movies/drive_name_2
    - /drive_name/path/to/qbittorrent/completed/series:/app/storage/app/private/torrent/series
    - /drive_name/path/to/qbittorrent/completed/movies:/app/storage/app/private/torrent/movies

5. Installing Application

make init

6. Starting application

make up