
JavaScript only code that dynamically generates DOM elements for questions and answers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Javascript__Fundamentals_Quiz Requirements

Code javascript DOM elements and behaviour to do the following:

Game Quiz Criteria:

    - [✔️] Show home page with start start quiz button
    - [✔️] Start quiz when button is clicked
    - [✔️] Start timer when button clicked
    - [✔️] Programmaticaly generated DOM elements to have the questions.
    - [✔️] Programmaticaly generated DOM elements to have possible answers.
    - [✔️] Tell if answer is right or wrong.
    - [✔️] Deduct 10seconds is answer is wrong.
    - [✔️] End test if time's up or if all questions are answered.
    - [✔️] Prompt users for initials (Text box limited to 3 characters).
    - [✔️] Once the submit button is clicked score and intials are saved.
    - [✔️] Saved data is displayed in highscores page seen in the home page.


    - Upon scoring 0 no score will be saved.

Please see link below for Coding Quiz accessible URL:

Below is the source code for the Coding Quiz in GitHub. Please note that code is in assets/js.

See below for some screenshots

Home Page

Home Page

Quiz and Timer Started

Quiz and Timer Started

High Scores!

High Scores

Score of Zero

Score of Zero