About this

Hello, I really enjoyed the test. but I ran into an ambiguous part that I hope does not affect.

Question (i ask this to Fernando from RH):

because the document speaks of "debit and credit accounts" in the email report. That's means, a user can have more than one type of account/product

Fernando Answer:

there can be more than one user but only one card per user.

the answer left me even more confused, but I continued with the hope that what is important is the proposed architecture and not a bit part of the final result.

Another assumption I made was if a file could contain more than one user/account. I think the codechallenge document does not make it clear, so I assumed the case of having many accounts per file.


I divided the process into 3 steps/services.

  • step1 (chunker): pre process the file, do a subset X user and send each one to a kafka (to_process) topic.
  • step2 (process): receive in a kafka (to_process) topic the data for one user and insert it in a db. Send the account_id to a kafka (to_report) topic
  • step3 (report): receive in a kafka (to_report) topic the account id. Generate the html report and sent it by email.

the same architecture should work for docker and AWS with minimal code changes. It could still be further optimized to improve insert speed, but for now it works as a test.

Docker compose solution

i mount the db, a kafka and 3 services that process different parts of the problem in a docker infrastructure.

i usually run docker-compose up for start all containers, but other commands surely works.

after that you can move the transactions_test.csv to imports folder.


git can't track a empty folders, so plz add imports/, processed/, reports/ inside docker_project/ folder (alternatively they can change the docker-compose.yml to point to new directories.)

file generator

i add a script for generate transactions files. I didn't get many instructions on this file, so the amounts are very random and might not make sense like real data would.

python generate_file_transactions.py accounts_n=10 operations_n=100

email output

I don't have an email server at hand, so for now I drop the html of the email in the reports folder

other notes

a file can be processed only once, use unique values in the db to maintain consistency.

I'm sorry, I didn't add unit tests, I usually do them for apis, but for a data import process where it should take a lot of mocking sometimes I get lost in the how.

AWS solution

I'm sorry, due to lack of time I did not complete this part. but try to make the architecture with docker-compose similar to aws serverless. so with small changes it could work in this environment.