Part 1

  • I work for a medical charity.
  • In my job, I often deal with fundraising projects and advertising campaigns.
  • I am currently running a campaign to raise over a million euros.
  • I am living and working in London for three months.
  • Why are you taking this course today?
  • My organization usually advertises in traditional media.
  • These days more and more people are reading text and watching video online.
  • I don't know enough about online marketing.

Part 2

  • I'm looking for a job at the moment
  • I don't use English for my job
  • I'm not using the photocopier at the moment

Part 3

  • I'm selling my house
  • I (usually) sell IT products to companies in Asia (not right now)
  • I'm selling IT products to companies in Asia at these days

Part 4

  • I agree with you on this issue.
  • Their baby were born last December.
  • Paul is directly responsible for the efficient management of this office.
  • I am ill and can’t go to the office, so I’m working from home this week.
  • Unfortunately, I missed my train. That’s why I was late for the meeting.
  • There may be a slight delay in the service – we ______ apologize for any inconvenience caused.
  • I am afraid I can’t completely agree with you.
  • I am sorry you had such a difficult journey.
  • When we heard the news, we were very surprised.

Part 5

  • Don’t be afraid to say what you think.
  • Most experts agree that this is the best solution.
  • I’m sorry I’m late for the meeting. I was stuck in traffic.
  • I apologize if I hurt your feelings.
  • Her department is responsible for quality assurance.
  • He was ill for a while, but he’s feeling much better now.
  • I’m just sorry about all the trouble I caused her.
  • She was born in a small town in the north of the country.
  • I’m not surprised that he didn’t keep his promise – you can’t trust him!

Part 6

  • I was very surprised when _________.
  • In my job, I’m responsible for _________.
  • When I’m ill, I _________.
  • Once, I was very late for _________, and as a result _________.
  • I was born in _________.
  • Most experts agree that _________.

Part 7

  • Why were you late for the daily yesterday? I think the team lead wasn’t very happy about that.
  • Did you apologize to the customer for missing the deadline? What did he say?
  • The team lead and the project manager don't always agree on the best way forward.
  • Are you afraid of tricky questions during a technical interview? How do you deal with them?
  • Were you ill last week? I didn’t see you in the office.
  • Do you agree that Android is the best mobile OS on the market right now?
  • What were you responsible for on your previous project / in your previous job?
  • Were you surprised when you learned your result after your last language assessment?
  • I’m only 25 years old, so I was born in the USSR.

Part 8

  • Is that right? My company works with pharmaceutical companies, too.
  • Really? How often do you travel there?
  • That sounds interesting. It would be good to keep in contact.

Part 9

  • Congratulations!
  • That's fantastic(great) news!
  • That's a shame(pity).
  • That's awful.
  • You lucky thing!
  • That's terrible.
  • Well done!
  • I'm so pleased(proud) for you!
  • That's really annoying.
  • That's awful. I'm really sorry to hear that.

Part 10

  • Ark: I spoke to Jennifer last week.
  • Larry: Jennifer! I haven’t seen her for ages.

  • Ark: Oh, I’ve never told you. I got promoted last month.
  • Larry: Did you? You lucky thing.

  • Ark: Their share price has fallen 20% over the last month.
  • Larry: 20%? That's bad news.

  • Ark: It was their most effective advertising campaign ever.
  • Larry: Really? Was it?

  • Ark: I can’t make it tomorrow – my little boy has the flu.
  • Larry: I'm sorry to hear that. Never mind. Another day.

Part 11

  • an official rate of pay according to the law - statutory pay
  • a system of working a particular number of hours each week or month but choosing when you start and finish - flexitime
  • time when you are officially allowed not to be at work - all kinds of leave
  • all your normal salary - full pay
  • time at work in addition to your normal hours - overtime
  • time off for men to spend time with a new baby - paternity leave
  • time off for women to spend time with a new baby - maternity leave
  • time off with no money - unpaid leave
  • not working in your office but at your house/apartment - home-working
  • the time in the middle of the day when people at work stop working to eat lunch - lunch break
  • extra days off - additional leave
  • time allowed away from work for holiday during which you receive your normal pay - annual leave
  • the time when you always have to work - core hours

Part 12