- 0
- 2
Django 4.2 compatibility issue
#797 opened by rdawad - 10
- 1
Does the tab page contain data changes?
#795 opened by wangwiewei - 0
Cant see hours for last row in calendar
#793 opened by EstherPerelman - 0
Can't Login Into Admin Portal
#792 opened by SustainableKingston - 16
Any V1 forks that support Django 3x?
#781 opened by yigitguler - 0
object-tools actions not rendered
#791 opened by alvarogf97 - 12
Is this project still alive?
#720 opened by orzarchi - 8
- 3
Looks like it doesn't work with Django 3
#754 opened by Kryzhanivskyi - 2
V2 forks on bootstrap5 : need help
#784 opened by pulse-mind - 3
Almost a year without any new merges?
#766 opened by tomreitsma - 0
Row styling failing silently?
#787 opened by gamesbook - 0
- 11
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_static'
#759 opened by agusmakmun - 0
RTL support
#782 opened by zzainoo - 4
Template Issue Filter position v2
#777 opened by pythonvelosiped - 1
v2 suit tabs not working
#779 opened by aquinary - 1
Django Admin Hide Superuser User
#776 opened by chetan-pixel - 0
when use npm run build,get a error
#775 opened by xiaochenr1981 - 1
Unable to test an admin action with suit installed
#773 opened by gamesbook - 1
Error 500 on demo
#768 opened by pulse-mind - 0
Django Suit v2 Date Inline not showing calendar
#771 opened by madthew - 3
Responsiveness problem
#762 opened by itsmayank0 - 0
Missing arrow on select with suitv2
#769 opened by pulse-mind - 3
Sidebar is not properly showing
#765 opened by shadowwa1k3r - 0
Chosen list in filtered manytomany field is too small to see any chosen selections
#767 opened by dmenisdev - 1
Autocompete ForeignKey Filter
#757 opened by Aljabri-Salman - 0
Actions form is disappeared under the list when I set `show_full_result_count = False` for a model admin.
#761 opened by Ibrohimbek - 0
Not Optimized for Mobile
#758 opened by Dlu6 - 1
- 1
Enable Guided Tour
#752 opened by r-brown - 4
a version django-suit is not valid
#745 opened by suzanneloures - 1
any plans to support django 3?
#748 opened by myaser - 0
After installing i am getting this error
#747 opened by farhanliaqatgit - 0
Vulnerability of jQuery Version
#746 opened by shiveringbulbul - 2
Changing order of TabularInline items not working
#744 opened by tyctor - 1
order of suit media files
#743 opened by tyctor - 1
Left hand nav in Django admin not shows in Chrome
#741 opened by davidkrcil - 0
"suit-left" not displaying
#740 opened by TheobaldTGC - 6
The last row of inlines is not being showed when has_add_permission is set to False
#725 opened by gokselcoban - 12
The menu is not displayed with last version of chrome (Version 77.0.3865.75 (Build officiel) (64 bits))
#735 opened by pulse-mind - 2
HRS: in new version of Chrome left menu is missing
#739 opened by sedvick - 1
django suit, css not working for django-treebeard
#730 opened by rahul08M - 1
Unable to login Ops dashboard
#733 opened by amar248501 - 1
TypeError: build_attrs() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
#734 opened by hawk5555 - 0
When i change the port and allowed host, the widget of date and the selector form does not work
#729 opened by pmariz - 2
- 0
Question: list of options for MENU_EXCLUDE ?
#721 opened by cegg