
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The program should parse the file and output the statistics of the top 10 packages that have the most files associated with them.

An example output could be:

python package_statistics.py --arch amd64

1. <package name 1> <number of files>
2. <package name 2> <number of files>
10. <package name 10> <number of files>

You can use the following Debian mirror


To install locally you need to have

  • Pyton 3.7
  • pipenv

Once above is done install requirements:

pipenv --python 3.7
pipenv shell
pipenv instal

When there are issues with using pipenv you can install with pip below packages

nose = "==1.3.7"
mock = "*"
ipython = "*"
requests = "*"
nose-progressive = "*"


To get help with script usage just do as follows:

python package_statistics.py -h

Usage: package_statistics.py [options]

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --cache          Use local cache

Example usage (downloading and analuzing amd64)

python package_statistics.py --cache --arch arm64

Using option cache means that if you rerun script it will use donloaded file from mirron in local /var/tmp folder.

If you want to get more verbose output use --level=debug


To test script just use nose, ie.

nosetests tests

That is going to give you overview of number of tests performed and potential fails :)


Basically I used barebone Python 3.7 with a bit of support of requets (to make my life easier).


  1. Script does not use parallel processing to analyze and sort results.
  2. Instead of lame and slow loop Regexp is being used:
    • getting only repeated package names in Contents file
    • counting occurrences of same package name in list
    • desc sorting number of repetitions

Time spent

Total time spend on exercise ~ 2h