roleuserbridge not work on ZF 2.3.1. and zfc-user "dev-master" and BjyAuthorize "dev-master"
semteacher opened this issue · 3 comments
When I try to use roleuserbridge I receive next error:
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to ZfcUser\Mapper\UserHydrator::__construct() must implement interface Zend\Crypt\Password\PasswordInterface, nothing given, called in Z:\home\zenddemo.loc\vendor\roleuserbridge\Module.php on line 51 and defined in Z:\home\zenddemo.loc\vendor\ZfcUser\src\ZfcUser\Mapper\UserHydrator.php on line 21
I think in Module.php there
$mapper->setHydrator(new \ZfcUser\Mapper\UserHydrator());
must be present Zend\Crypt\Password\PasswordInterface implementation? But how? (I am newbie in ZF)
UPD: I comment this line in Module.php
//$mapper->setHydrator(new \ZfcUser\Mapper\UserHydrator());
and everything now working for me. But I think it is not fully correct....
I think the current version of this module required ZfcUser
0.* and the UserHydrator was added in the current version 1.1.0 .
Unfortunately I could not install this module with the current ZfcUser
. And I can't downgrade to 0.* since ZfcUserDoctrineOrm
will require 1.*.
Feel free to fix it as self. This module won't be continued from my side.