ZfcUser/BjyAuthorize Bridge for auto-adding User to the user_role_table from BjyAuthorize
- 11
linker.config.php file and logical name ?
#13 opened by Amalric - 3
roleuserbridge not work on ZF 2.3.1. and zfc-user "dev-master" and BjyAuthorize "dev-master"
#17 opened by semteacher - 1
how can'i get role from register form
#15 opened by istatdi - 1
roleuserbridge don't work with htuserregistration
#16 opened by istatdi - 2
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Code Error
#7 opened by majormukoro - 3
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Add custom config for table name
#5 opened - 1
Add composer.json
#2 opened by fwahlqvist - 5
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend\ModuleManager\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'Module (RoleUserBridge) could not be initialized.'
#1 opened by fwahlqvist