Current release version can only sends arbitrary advertising LL packets because I have not yet ported the LL control packet sending code from my fuzzer but I will port them soon.
I encourage the users to be familiar with the Apache Mynewt and its Bluetooth Low Energy stack NimBLE and the Newt tool if you want to build JackBNimBLE from the source code. I used mynewt-newt-mynewt_1_8_0_tag to snapshot NimBLE and modify it.
However, if you want to take a short-cut, I have already created a binary for you as well, stored in firmware-bin
- nRF52840 Development Kit
- nRF Command Line Tools
Disable MSD mode
$ JLinkExe
- Python3
- PyBlueZ and its dependencies
Execute the following commands to install prerequisites on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
$ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip libbluetooth-dev
$ pip3 install pybluez
Have a nRF52840 Development Kit with the JBN Firmware installer per the above, and connect it to a host via USB. Check dmesg
to determine which ttyACM* device it is.
$ dmesg | grep ACM | tail -n 1
[1107771.736474] cdc_acm 3-2.4:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
Attach to the specified device.
$ btattach -B /dev/ttyACM0 -S 1000000
Attaching Primary controller to /dev/ttyACM0
Switched line discipline from 0 to 15
Device index 1 attached
Use the HCI interface ID ("Device index" listed above) as the -i argument to execute JBN Host. For example:
$ ./ -h
$ sudo ./ -i 1 ti_adv_rce crash