
Get the current "latest" and "LTS" versions of Node JS.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


This package is available as a CLI and as a Node API. If only using the Node API, you should install it locally in your project:

npm i @darkobits/node-versions

If using the CLI, it may be preferable to install it globally:

npm i -g @darkobits/node-versions


Node API

This package exports an async function that returns a JSON object with 2 keys, latest and lts, each with the following sub-keys:

interface VersionDescriptor {
   * Full semver version. (ex: '10.14.1')
  full: string;

   * Major version number. (ex: 10)
  major?: number;

   * Minor version number. (ex: 14)
  minor?: number;

   * Patch version number. (ex: 1)
  patch?: number;

interface NodeReleaseDescriptor {
   * Release date.
  date: string;

   * Release version.
  version: VersionDescriptor;

   * NPM version included in the release.
  npm: VersionDescriptor;

   * V8 version included in the release.
  v8: VersionDescriptor;

   * libuv version included in the release.
  uv: VersionDescriptor;

   * zlib version included in the release.
  zlib: VersionDescriptor;

   * OpenSSL version included in the release.
  openssl: VersionDescriptor;


> node-versions
Latest: 11.14.0
LTS:    10.15.3

You may also use -o json or --output json to have node-versions output JSON.