
This project is demonstration of finding and exploiting common web based vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, XSS, Command Injection, Insecure File Upload and more. This project will also contain creating your own home lab with vulnerabilities to exploit using kali linux.

Finding and Exploiting Common Web Vulnerabilities


This project is demonstration of finding and exploiting common web vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, XSS, Command Injection, Insecure File Upload and more. This project will also contain creating your own home lab with web vulnerabilities to analyse and craft exploit. I hope it helps you in your bug bounty exploitation, webapp pentesting or any other reason for you to learn this topic.


Hardware Requirement

  • 4GB RAM for Virtualisation

Software Requirement

LAB Setup

  1. Download web labs via tcm link: labs

  2. After installation of kali linux vm open terminal

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt install docker.io
    sudo apt install docker-compose

    Check if tools are installed properly

  3. Restart your VM

  4. Copy the labs into whatever location you want to store them and do the following command

    tar -xf peh-web-labs.tar-gz
    cd labs
    sudo docker-compose up

    The last line of the command runs multiple containers using a single yaml file. You can also run it in background by using -d which is detach mode.

    First time it runs, it will take some time downloading some things. Next time you run it though, it will be much faster. Once you see the following message you are ready to go -


  5. The final step is to set some permissions for the webserver, this is needed for the file upload labs and the capstone challenge. Do this in seperate terminal tab (Control+Shift+Tab).

  6. Browse to http://localhost

  7. The first time you load the lab the database will need to be initialized, just follow the instructions in the red box by clicking the link, then coming back to the homepage.

Note: At any point you mess up the tables or database of the labs you can just reset it by going to http://localhost/init.php

Check of everything is property installed and running - image


Before starting lets learn a little bit about docker and its commands. Docker is an operating system for containers. Similar to how a virtual machine virtualizes (removes the need to directly manage) server hardware, containers virtualize the operating system of a server. Docker is installed on each server and provides simple commands you can use to build, start, or stop containers.

# List all running containers
sudo docker ps -a
# Stop the containers
sudo docker-compose stop
# Removing the containers, it will also list container ID that are stopped
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -aq)
# You will need to restart the labs after removing or stoping the containers
sudo docker-compose up


It comes preinstalled will kali, so no need to install it manually. Burpsuite is developed by PortSwigger. This tool serves as an application layer proxy which allows you to capture the requests issued by your Browser. With BurpSuite, you can capture requests, alter them, launch attacks, try put different headers and more!

We'll use burpsuite to catch requests make changes and then send it to get desired response. Burpsuite community edition has some restrictions on Intruder(automated attacks), so we'll do those using wffuz command-line tool which also comes pre-installed in kali.

How to setup burpsuite? Install foxy proxy addon on your browser(firefox/chrome) then select options > add > put title as 8080, port as 8080 and Proxy IP address or DNS name as > click save. Now whenever you need to use burosuite just fireup the application and select the 8080 title from addon menu.

/// add a gif here for setting up foxy proxy on chrome and firefox///

Or you could just use the browser from burpsuite - image

SQL Injection (sqli)

SQL injection is definitely the most famous web based attack of all time. SQL (Standard Query Language) Injection is a vulnerability that consists of an attacker interfering with the SQL queries that an application makes to a database. image

Attacks strategy-

  1. Try the testing of sqli on parametaers like url, input boxes, and cookies.

  2. Test the target if its using the sql by ' or ". Look for signs like error responce, pattern on website by typing wrong or right sql query, time delay in giving output.

  3. Test the target for UNION, ||or+(Concatenation Operator), --or#or;--(comment).

    • Other Concatenation (function) - CONCAT(), GROUP_CONCAT(), CONCAT_WS().
    • Sometimes changing original data makes command show information as original data may already have filled rows & columns. Like in url - id=1 to id=0.
  4. Find the type & version of DBMS is used by target by the help of portswigger cheatsheet.

  5. Find the Current database name : database(), db_name(), (sometimes)FROM DUAL.

    information_schema is a db that contains info about all the DBs and tables target has access to.

  6. List of tables(information_schema.tables) > List of columns(information_schema.columns).

  7. Output sensitive information using SELECT statements.

Using SQL Map : sqlmap -r "request.txt" --level=2 -dump -T injection0x02 # level=2 for cookies as parameter, --dump to dump all tables, -T to dump only the table injection0x02


Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) is very famous as well. But its presence is declining as many devloper frameworks have built-in protection again xss by default. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is an injection attack where malicious JavaScript gets injected into a web application with the intention of being executed by other users.

Types of XSS - Reflected, Stored, Blind and DOM-Based XSS. (popular interview question so read more) image

image Stored XSS also has a type called Blind XSS ehich means you can't see the payload working or be able to test it against yourself first.


Command Injection

Command injection happens when we can control a parameter that gets passed into a shell. Its a very dangerous vuln as you can info from system not just the website.

Insecure File Upload


Attacking Authentication



Recently I found out that in API testing this is called BOLA (Broken Object Level Authorisation) which is API1 on OWASP's API Security Top 10 2023. They just have different names they are actually the same thing. So welcome after this topic you'll have some knowledge on API testing as well.



The peh course section(read on the Motivation or Credit heading) has one. So I decided make one here as well. Just answer the questions and check if its correct on answers.txt file.

A. What gets printed?

  1. It's impossible to know.
  2. 13
  3. Something else.

B. What is the output of take_default_list([1,2,3])?

  1. It's impossible to know.
  2. 13
  3. Something else.

Motivation or Credit

Recently The Practical Ethical Hacking Course on tcm academy updated by adding a new section called Find & Exploit Common Web Vulnerabilities which was around 2 hours. Credit goes to Alex Olsen who also made Practical API Hacking course which I highly recommend. The videos from PEH were so fun to watch that I had to make this project.


  • Neither the project nor its developer promote any kind of illegal activity and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this project.
  • This project is for educational purpose only.
  • Please do not use this tool on other people's devices without their permission.
  • Do not use this tool to harm others.
  • Use this project responsibly on your own devices only.
  • It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws.


  • Contributions are welcome and encouraged, provided your code or change is of sufficient quality.

  • Before submitting a pull request, please ensure that your code adheres to the license under MIT license, or dedicated to the public domain (BSD, GPL, etc. code is incompatible)

  • Your pull request should fully describe the functionality you are adding/removing or the problem you are solving. Regardless of whether your patch modifies one line or one thousand lines, you must describe what has prompted and/or motivated the change.

  • Solve only one problem in each pull request. If you're fixing a bug and adding a new feature, you need to make two separate pull requests.

  • If you're fixing three bugs, you need to make three separate pull requests. If you're adding four new features, you need to make four separate pull requests. So on, and so forth.

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