Compose material3 Date1 and Time pickers
Highly customizable Jetpack Compose components with material3 support for date & time picking.
0.7.0 (Changelog)
Dependency | Version |
Kotlin | 1.8.10 |
Compose compiler | 1.4.3 |
Compose BOM | 2023.01.00 |
Material3 | 1.0.1 |
To use this library in your project, in your app module's build.gradle.kts
dependencies {
To display a datepicker dialog for a single-date selection, just call
fun DatePickerDialog(
onDismissRequest: () -> Unit,
onDateChange: (LocalDate) -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
initialDate: LocalDate? = null,
locale: Locale = LocalConfiguration.current.getDefaultLocale(),
today: LocalDate =,
showDaysAbbreviations: Boolean = true,
highlightToday: Boolean = true,
colors: DatePickerColors = DatePickerDefaults.colors(),
shapes: DatePickerShapes = DatePickerDefaults.shapes(),
typography: DatePickerTypography = DatePickerDefaults.typography(),
title: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
buttonColors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.textButtonColors(),
shape: Shape = AlertDialogDefaults.shape,
containerColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.containerColor,
titleContentColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.titleContentColor,
tonalElevation: Dp = AlertDialogDefaults.TonalElevation,
properties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties(usePlatformDefaultWidth = false),
There are only 2 required parameters:
- called when the dialog should be dismissed without user selecting a valueonDateChange
- called when user selected a value, passing it as a parameter
It is, however, recommended to also fill the title
parameter, as it provides the title for the dialog.
Remaining parameters as well as the customization guide is described in the separate README.
To display a timepicker dialog, call
fun TimePickerDialog(
onDismissRequest: () -> Unit,
onTimeChange: (LocalTime) -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
initialTime: LocalTime =,
locale: Locale = LocalConfiguration.current.getDefaultLocale(),
is24HourFormat: Boolean = DateFormat.is24HourFormat(LocalContext.current),
colors: TimePickerColors = TimePickerDefaults.colors(),
shapes: TimePickerShapes = TimePickerDefaults.shapes(),
typography: TimePickerTypography = TimePickerDefaults.typography(),
title: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
buttonColors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.textButtonColors(),
shape: Shape = AlertDialogDefaults.shape,
containerColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.containerColor,
tonalElevation: Dp = AlertDialogDefaults.TonalElevation,
properties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties(),
The 2 required parameters are:
- called when the dialog should be dismissed without user selecting a valueonTimeChange
- called when user selected a value, passing it as a parameter
It is, however, recommended to also fill the title
parameter, as it provides the title for the dialog.
Remaining parameters as well as the customization guide is described in the separate README.
This library uses the Java 8's java.time
APIs such as LocalDate
and LocalTime
. If your targetSdk
is less than 26
, you have to enable desugaring:
In your module's build.gradle.kts
android {
// ...
compileOptions {
isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
dependencies {
// ...
While the library is currently ready to use as-is, until version 1.0.0
is released, it's API isn't considered stable. Contributions in the form of API changes suggestions and discussions are very welcome.
Copyright 2022 Maroš Šeleng
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Date picker for range selection is still a work in progress. ↩