Adversarial Interception Mission Oriented Discovery and Disruption Framework, or AIMOD2, is a structured threat hunting approach to proactively identify, engage and prevent cyber threats denying or mitigating potential damage to the organization.
- 0utflank
- aelfeky
- ajacobhackArgentina
- aka0United States
- br3ach3r-fff
- BrekketOslo, Norway
- cocoonkidin transit
- CyberSecOps
- d5fa4lt
- DanFeltonUK
- DHoog
- erickatwork@CIA
- FrostByte-Security
- hxnoydPortugal
- intercake
- Iveco
- Jack2S2W Lab - TALON
- jbieniasz
- joshlemonAustralia
- julieagnessparksDenver, Colorado
- kevXZYParis
- lucapaglione
- MineshK
- nvijatovSerbia
- PaddlingCode@BadSamuraiDev
- phantom-nautica
- rbrunner007
- RetardedMonkey
- ro0kie3
- samaritan0
- secrngGusto
- tais9Seoul, Korea
- thecybermafia@colpal
- tnvo
- vot3k
- xxoc77