
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) Docker container for Ansible playbook, role and serverspec testing.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) Ansible Test Image

Docker Automated build

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) Docker container for Ansible playbook, role and serverspec testing.

Build the image

This image is built on Docker Hub automatically any time the upstream OS container is rebuilt, and any time a commit is made or merged to the master branch. If you need to build the image on your local environment, do the following steps:

  1. Clone the repo $ git clone git@github.com:darkraiden/docker-ubuntu1604-ansible;
  2. cd into this directory;
  3. Run $ docker build -t ubuntu-ansible ..

How to Use

  1. Pull this image from Docker Hub: docker pull davidedimauro88/ubuntu1604-ansible:latest or use the image's tag you built earlier, e.g. ubuntu-ansible;
  2. Run a container: docker run -d --privileged davidedimauro88/ubuntu1604-ansible:latest /usr/lib/systemd/systemd (To test an Ansible role, you may want to mount a volume with your role's directory as source and /etc/ansible/roles/role_under_test as destination on the container itself);
  3. Use Ansible inside the container: a. docker exec --tty [container_id] env TERM=xterm ansible --version b. docker exec --tty [container_id] env TERM=xterm ansible-playbook /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml --syntax-check


This container is for test purposes only, I do not use it in a production environment. Use it on a live environment at your own risk!


Created in 2017 by Davide Di Mauro.