Automatically fetch the lyrics of the currently playing song and display them in your terminal!
Quicksilver uses the MPRIS interface to fetch the title, artist, and album names, which it then uses to fetch the lyrics.
Examples of players with MPRIS support:
- Spotify
- VLC Media player
- Rhythmbox
- Audacious
- C* Music Player (CMUS)
- Music Player Daemon (MPD)
With version 1.4.1 and above, browser media detection is also possible.
For MPD player support install
package as well.
forked from lyrics-in-terminal which hasnt had an update since Jun 29, 2022 in hopes of fixing the lyrics sources and expanding and fixing some bugs.
- Auto Scrolling Lyrics
- Add YouTube Music as the main lyrics source
- minor appearance tweaks
- a method of detecting when the lyrics are wrong and chosing a different song/source =